27126 Paseo Espada #A1606

San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675


Dentist examining patient


Many of our patients have not seen a dentist for a long time or have difficulty with their home oral hygiene. Our office provides oral health instruction to the patient and staff to improve the patient’s oral care and oral health. Using our portable operatory with water and high volume suction, we are able to clean, rinse, polish, and fluoridate teeth as needed.


As needed, for someone with heavy build-up and/or deep pockets, we can provide a deep cleaning using local or topical anesthetic, water powered cleaning instruments, and specialized scalers for deeper pockets. We also have staff trained in the perio protect specialized treatment system that utilizes mouthtrays and highly specific anti-microbial medication to treat advanced perio conditions.


In a traditional environment, patients are seated while a dental hygienist takes care of your cleaning. With home care dentistry, our team uses a state-of-the-art portable operator that allows us to clean, polish, rinse and fluoridate your teeth during the process. 

Don’t worry. We see a lot of patients who haven’t been able to make it to the dentist for various reasons. Our trained staff of professionals will evaluate your oral health. Depending on a couple of factors, we may potentially recommend a deep cleaning.

For patients who have a heavy build-up of plaque, we provide a deep cleaning to help get them back on track. Since deep cleanings go below the gum line, patients will receive a local or topical anesthetic. Our dedicated staff will clean hard-to-reach places such as the roots and pockets at the base of your teeth.