Ensuring Good Oral Health For Alzheimer’s Patients

Through limited mobility, impaired memories, and complications related to medications, the presence of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease could mean worsening oral health for your loved one. They could become more at risk for periodontal disease and tooth loss, among other complications. HomeCare Dentists want to ensure you have the information necessary to care for their smiles!

Alzheimer’s and Poor Oral Health

A healthy smile is important not just for our overall health, but for our self-confidence and self-image. Even people suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease find these factors important, which is why action to protect their oral health is also valuable. However, people with these disorders may have trouble remembering to clean their teeth daily, and issues with motor function and dexterity could prevent them from properly brushing and flossing too. Not to mention that many medications meant to mitigate the impact of issues like dementia and Alzheimer’s can create dry mouth, which leads to poorer oral health. For example, dry mouth is linked to respiratory infections, gum disease, heart disease, and bronchopneumonia. Over time, these factors and the inability to care for the teeth and gums leads to tooth loss and eroding oral health.

Seeing Our Team

We would like to see your ailing family member at least once every six months so we can conduct a checkup and cleaning, watching for signs of developing oral health issues and then removing all plaque and tartar from the teeth to fight periodontal disease, bad breath, and tooth loss. Our team members are experienced in providing compassionate care to patients with these diseases. Care is crucial, as dry mouth alone could lead to trouble eating and swallowing, and could impact how food tastes to people. We want to help your loved ones enjoy improved quality of life, and that includes maintaining a healthy and strong smile.

Better Care at Home

At home, make sure their dentures are being soaked and cleaned regularly. You may need to assist your loved one with proper brushing and flossing each day. We can offer tips on improving oral hygiene habits for your family member, and what you can do to ensure this is done in a comfortable and effective manner. If you have any questions about caring for a person’s smile when he or she has Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, then please reach out to our team today and schedule a visit. We look forward to helping your family maintain optimal oral health.

Talk To Your HomeCare Dentists Team Today

We can work with you to help your loved ones with this disease maintain proper oral health. If you have questions about helping your loved ones and improving oral health, please call HomeCare Dentists at (800) 382-3938.



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