Schedule A Dental Implant Visit

Do you have one or more missing teeth? If so, then you may see the strength and durability of your smile suffer, as you develop an older appearance and risk further tooth loss. But dental implants can halt these complications! Your HomeCare Dentists want to help you smile with confidence again and enjoy good oral health with implant dentistry. A full smile, and one that looks natural too, is possible with dental implants or implant-retained dentures.

Your Initial Consultation

If you have missing teeth, but are not sure whether dental implants are right for you, then please give us a call. Our team will carefully examine your smile to see if your jawbone is ready to support implants. If not, we could discuss procedures to strengthen your jaw. We can also see if you need a single one, or several to support a bridge or a set of dentures. Even if you have edentulism, there is a chance that implant dentistry could provide a full smile that looks and functions like a natural one. You don’t have to live with a prematurely aged appearance and difficulty eating your favorite foods.

Implant Dental Restorations

Our team can complete a single tooth dental implant with a custom crown, one designed to look natural and restore function and beauty to your smile. For those with more severe cases of tooth loss, then multiple ones could be used to secure a bridge or even a full set of dentures, so you obtain a complete smile that not only looks natural, but restores your ability to eat your favorite foods again.

Placing Your New Teeth  

The dental implant portions are actually small, screw-like posts made from titanium. Since titanium is biocompatible, they bond with the jaw like natural root structure, ensuring your new roots can last for decades to come, possibly even a lifetime! As we touched on above, our team can use them to support a new tooth, or even a set of dentures. Our team can even support a full set of dentures with fewer implant posts, so you can enjoy the placement of your new smile in a shorter time frame, and resume your normal routines and habits.

If you have any questions about how we place and restore dental implants, then contact our team today. We believe everyone deserves a full and beautiful smile.

Talk To Your HomeCare Dentists Team Today

Our team wants to help you enjoy a full and beautiful smile once again with a fixed prosthetic. If you have questions about implant dentistry, please call HomeCare Dentists at (800) 382-3938. Don’t live with the complications of missing teeth, find out what options we have to help restore your smile to full function, health, and beauty once again.


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